
Want to Collaborate?

Since the launch of Anchored Phylogenomics in 2012, over 75 projects have been completed, resulting in >10,000 samples sequenced from >2900 different genera, 11 published manuscripts, and 100 manuscripts in preparation. Collaborators have responded very positively to the speed, cost, and quality of data produced by the Anchored Phylogenomics method (see quotes below).


[spoiler title=”Quotes from Collaborators”]

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“Truly amazing job Alan, Emily and Michelle!!!!!   In two months you replicated (and went way beyond) 10 years of data collected in our lab!”

–Dr. Chris Simon, U. of Connecticut (Paraneoptera and endosymbionts)

“HOLY CRAP IT’S PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I might pass out…”

–Dr. Jennifer Zaspel, Purdue University (Lepidoptera)

“This genus has defied molecular phylogeny reconstruction for 30 years and it appears you’ve cracked it.”

–Dr. James Beck, Wichita State University (Angiosperms)

Holy S#%&! Thank you Alan! This is very exciting!”

–Dr. Shawn Kuchta, Ohio University (Amphibians)

It certainly exceeds our expectations!”

–Carolina Mendoza, National Autonomous University of Mexico (Angiosperms)


We are currently accepting applications on a diversity of taxa. If you would like to discuss a potential project with us, please submit a new collaborator form, filling in as much information as possible. Be sure to mention any potential challenges that your project may present, such as low DNA quantity or quality, large genome size, or insufficient genomic resources. Once we receive the request we typically arrange a Skype or phone conference to discuss the potential project. View the workflow for more detailed information on the sequence generation specifics.

If you have already established a collaboration, please follow these detailed instructions for preparing samples for shipment, which is summarized in the checklist below.


Checklist before shipping DNA to FSU:

  • Samples are treated with RNase during extraction
  • Samples are run on a gel to check for size distribution
  • Sample concentration checked with either Nanodrop spectrophotometer or Qubit fluorometer
  • Gel is sent to FSU for confirmation of sample quality
  • Gel approval is received. Samples can be shipped
  • Sample template is filled out completely for all samples and shipped with samples and emailed to FSU

The following links contain more information is available for the following aspects of sample preparation:

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